With a Little Sexy on the Side

1. ann demeulemeester 2. duro olowu 3. marni 4. givenchy 5. maison martin margiela

Like Paula, I too have issues and criteria when it comes to my clothing. I haven’t started “the change” so I don’t have sweating issues, but maybe even more egregious, I have an eating disorder. No, not all the fashion ones, the anti-fashion one—I like to eat. A lot. All the time. When food is good, it’s really good, and like good clothing, I can never get enough.

With Thanksgiving days away, I’ve been thinking about my feast ensemble. Knowing I’m going to be packing it in I need to think: 1) cute, 2) comfortable,  and 3) served with a little sexy on the side. (I do have a husband who I need to keep interested and a shark I’d rather not jump.)

My favorite item to wear when I know I’ll be eating eating eating is a dress. In particular one that hides, expands, diverts and helps me keep my dignity when I’m on my third slice of pie.

Above are a few I’d suggest that will look pretty next to the buffet.

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