Latest Diet Craze: Sweet Accessories
Per Monday’s post, this is a continuation of “Have your Cake and Eat it Too.” Except it’s happening today, not Friday. Blame Jslow for that.
Food is serious. Think about it. It’s so important that shrines, i.e. “restaurants,” are built from which to consume it. Fine china is polished and buffed to best showcase it’s texture and tone. Waiters in pressed pants offer plates of it to us, bowing down as if in prayer.
Food is happy. It elevates already awesome activities to another level of fun: Baseball game = Fun. Baseball game + peanuts & hotdogs = super fun. Movie = fun. Movie + popcorn & Dots = super fun. Food + anything = super fun.
Food is also scary. It can kill us, make us sick and worst of all, make us fat.
True, the amount of food we eat directly impacts what we can wear. There is no way around it.
And fat and fashion don’t always mix. Try to find a Preen, Prada, Proenza Schouler or any designer piece that the average American woman can fit into. I’ll wait.
That’s reason number 8,925 why accessories kick so much ass. No matter how big we are or feel, there is a perfect pair of shoes, beautiful bag, or smashing scarf that makes us feel all kinds of skinny.
So here are some sweet accessories that feature food that can make us look and feel svelt: fruit. I know nuts are not fruits, but they’re close enough.

Faliero Sarti Scarf, Brown’s.

Fruit Stack Ring, Top Shop.

Miu Miu Cherry Sandals, Net-A-Porter.

Marc Jacobs Lemon Earrings, Bloomingdales.

Ha-Yeon Lee Nuts Earrings, Far Fetch.

Banana Bag, Monki.
The other day I mentioned my fascination with fashion and food to a colleague, who told me about her niece’s blog and recent piece where she transformed food into fashion. “Pea Pearls” and an “English Muffin Coin Purse” are just a few of the treasures found here on her Bittersweet Blog. Also, check out “A Matter of Taste,” by Fulvio Banavia who photographs food as fashion. The blueberry bag above comes from those pages. Maybe sometime soon instead of wearing fashions’ that look like food, we’ll be eating fashion that really is food. And not gain an ounce.
I love your blog because it weds smart with fashion. Thanks for this “kick ass” post about “kick ass” bling.
Thanks so much Kelly. Have a great weekend.
xoxox P.