Finding Ourselves on Pinterest
I love Pinterest. I love getting lost pinning boots and bags and bundt cakes posted from my favorite blogs, sites and fellow pinners. I love getting emails telling me someone has repinned or liked something I’ve pinned (the validation! always gives me a rush.) I love the discovering and sharing. I love how easy it is to use. Did I say I love Pinterest? For those of you out there who love Pinterest too, you can find our Blank Stare, blink board here. We pin our favorite fashion finds all the time.
So last night, for some reason, I searched my name on Pinterest only to discover this photo of me and JSlow from our Fall New York Fashion Week adventure, taken from and posted on their accessory street-style page. How had I missed this back in September?

Paula + JSlow, sitting on the fountain at Lincoln Center. On me: Vivienne Westwood Sack Boots; on Jslow: Christian Louboutin Spike Pumps. Photo by Kelly Stuart of
I hate having my picture taken as the camera just does not love me, never has. From the neck-up, my severe features and small face combine to catch every shadow and shade of bad lighting, highlighting my wrinkles, lines and bags. From the knee down is a different story, which is why I love this photo so much. This simple shot of our shoes tells such a complex, long story of our friendship through such a small segment of our selves: How we both have such a profound love of fashion, and how that love manifests itself in different ways through how we express it. Jslow is always so elegant in her edginess — thus the brilliant juxtaposition of the wicked spikes that cover her pristine Christian Louboutin pumps. And me, I’m always a bit more askew and tomboyish: thus my Vivienne Westwood pumps are wrapped in “sacks” like a contraband 40, hidden from view yet very much on display. I will always cherish this photo, just as I cherish my friendship with Jslow.
Thanks and Pinterest for helping me discover ourselves in our shoes.
Great photo, great blog!
Thanks Stacy! I felt very odd posting it in light of the school shooting, such a sad sad day. xoxo
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