Mind the Gap?

Rhianna of ACNE on Greene Street & Grand Street, NYC (me on left)

I do. I do mind the gap. I hate trying on pants when Paula’s around. Especially when she’s trying on the same pair of pants as me, or I’m trying on the same pair of pants as her. However you want to look at it—I do mind the gap that’s between her thighs. I’m jealous of that gap. I’ve always wanted one of those gaps. I’ve never had one.

When Paula was here in NY during Fashion Week, we headed over to ACNE to say hello to the cutest shop girl, Rhianna. She has the best smile and never makes either one of us feel old or lame. Which is very welcoming, especially while in the store of the uber-cool brand, ACNE.

I was lamenting the hatred of my thighs when Rhianna told me about Acne’s SKIN 5. She said they’re the perfect jean for all shapes and sizes: skinny/or not; hippy, voluptuous, curvy or rail-like. Rhianna is curvy and voluptuous and she loves the fit of these on her body. She told me to trust her and try them on.

She was right.

If you’re looking for a sexy spring/summer jean to wear with sandals or retro pumps, the SKIN 5 is the perfect pair to purchase. A magical combination of stretch and technology renders them tight “like a second skin” without being constricting, thus alleviating “baggy knees”, the bane of my denim existence. They hit at the proper waistline so there’s no muffin top, but not too high as to resemble the dreaded “mom” jeans. Available in 7 colors: Black, white and varying shades of blue.

SKIN 5 should show a little ankle skin, so if you’re like me and on the short side, either cuff/cut/or hem. You want to have your ankles peeking just a little bit, but not too much. Don’t make them into full-on capris. That’s not good for anyone.

My thighs might rub together. And Paula’s might not touch, but luckily SKIN 5 doesn’t discriminate—they love everyone.

In an ideal world, we’re all comfortable in our own skin, no matter the color, size, texture, or age of our epidermis. For those days when we need a little help, ACNE’s SKIN 5 can make us  all super comfortable in whatever skin we’re wearing. Gap or no gap.

Acne's SKIN 5, blankstareblink.com

3 Responses

  1. makeupbystacymc@gmail.com'

    I’m jealous of Paula’s gap too! Jen, do you think these ACNE skin 5 jeans are better at “sucking it all in” than the j brand skinny that you turned me on to? I can’t live without my j brand skinnies.

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