Getting My Winter On

Arctic Foxy, blankstareblink.comSince moving to Los Angeles, I find myself scanning my coat closet and pining for the days of snowstorms and weather in the low teens. I know, but consistent and continual days of 80° in January is a whole other kind of crazy. Who can keep up with these year-around pedicures? I loved my months off sporting au natural toes during the miserable New York winter months, feet hidden in cashmere socks and Ann Demeulemeester boots.

It was time to join my New York friends and commiserate about the forecast. I kicked off my sandals and booked a last minute rewards flight.

There’s nothing better than a boondoggle, especially one that’s unexpected, unplanned and a little bit naughty since I ignored all responsibility and pulled my kids out of school for two days and left my laptop on my desk.

The 3.5 days spent in New York were complete perfection. Copious amounts of time with friends drinking copious quantities of beverages like hot chocolate, coffee, and red wine. Between breakfasts, lunches and dinner dates, mixed with play-dates and sleepovers, I had my own little boondoggle. Since befriending Rhianna at ACNE Studios, she was hand picked off the streets of SOHO to be a hipster shopgirl (a coveted position) at Rei Kawakubo’s Dover Street Market New York. Before DSM closed on Saturday night, we had a little fun at this seven story emporium in the middle of nowhere in Manhattan (30th at Lexington).

By far my favorite wants at the store were the pieces in the “exclusive to DSMNY Prada collection”. But with the price tags attached ranging from $3,000-$5,000, pretending was the only thing I would be doing in this playful collection.

If you find yourself in New York and at Dover Street Market, go see Rhianna in her 7th floor lair holding court amongst the Comme des Garçons racks. It will be the funnest (yes a word) time shopping you’ve ever had, even if you don’t buy anything.

Here’s a little capsule collection of photos we took while being naughty while still on the clock.

DSM dress up

I did end up with the gorgeous and handmade Fleet Ilya corset belt from England. Well worth the price-tag with its 3-in-1 concept.

Stay warm, New York. My winter fox is off and my sandals are back on. But my heart is still with you.

Lady Liberty,

4 Responses


    I saw Rhianna there the week before when I was hanging out with my friends at Rose Bakery & mentioned that I knew you. Hope you had a chance to eat there. Everything is delicious! They have really raised the bar on coolness in the city. I’ve already blown a couple of thousand there. It can be dangerous! And I know exactly how you feel. When I lived outside of NY for 16 years, I used to come in once a month for a fix. Btw, love the hair color!

    1. Hi Andrea! Glad you talked to Rhianna. She’s fantastic. I didn’t eat at the Rose Bakery, but will next time. Maybe we could meet for lunch! I’ll let you know next time I’m in NY. xxJ

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