The Magic of Easter Shoes
While I cannot deny my undying love of See’s butter-cream easter eggs and Peeps, my favorite part of Easter, as a little girl, was the new pair of Easter shoes I got to pick out.

Cottontail Twinkle Heels, Modcloth.
They were usually very shiny, very girly, very mary-janed, sporting a little heel. I loved the click- click sound they made on the sidewalk while we hunted for eggs, and how grown-up and stylish they made me feel. Those Easter shoes made everything better, even the long ride home from my cousins’ across the San Mateo Bridge, no matter how car-sick or full of candy I was.

Simone Rocha shoes, available at Susan.
And so it was with this spirit of Easter that I found myself at Susan, hunting for Easter Shoes, and practically tripping over the flowered Simone Rocha Mary-Janes with the clear perspex platform heel. They were perfect.
There is no way to rationalize this purchase. They don’t go with anything yet they go with everything. They look clunky and odd off the foot, but on it, well, they were like a way-back machine, transporting me back to the ’60s and that rush I felt trying on Easter Shoes with my mom.

Jeffrey Campbell “Easter” shoes. In case of emergency, break wedge and eat the Peeps!
I will wear them with glee come Easter Sunday, to my cousins’ for Easter Brunch, and on to Fremont for Easter Dinner, and I’ll look at them and feel like a little girl again, all fancy and grown-up.
Whatever you’re wearing or doing this weekend, take the time to remember what it felt like to find the big pink egg hiding under the bush, or to bite the ear off the chocolate bunny, or to pluck blades of plastic basket grass from your hair, or that magical feeling of slipping into brand-new shoes and how wonderful they made you feel.
Happy Easter from Blank Stare, Blink.
Best post ever. Love this. First of all, you clearly should have been styling me at the age of 6 here- great FBF. Easter shoes are almost better than Christmas morning. Spring = Fresh start and you, as always, have found some great Easter kicks for big girls. xo
Thanks so much! I so appreciate it, and hope your Easter is full of big kicks of the shoe and laughter sort. xoxo
I LOVE Simone Rocha’s shoes. Enjoy them on Sunday! And after too!!
Thanks Andrea! Ha, when I sent a photo to Jslow I got no reply — not her cup of tea. I love her shoes to death, and this is the maiden voyage. They are SO SO comfortable and I can’t wait to take the time to play with them to see how they look with jeans, skirts, whatever. Do you have any? Happy Easter! xoxo
Love your choice and the message – but wish you’d gone one step farther and gotten the boots with the Peeps!
Hi Norma:
The boots with Peeps would be a great centerpiece on my table! But alas, I can’t do heels of any kind — more Jslow territory. Happy Easter! And thanks for reading us. xoxo