I Am a Marshmallow Chick

paula mangin peeps

Easter Style tip #73: Always match your hair to the Peeps.

Nothing makes me happier than an end-aisle of peeps and pastel M&Ms.

Or a basket of See’s chocolate eggs with the hard candy flowers on top.

Brach’s malted eggs aren’t bad either.

It’s Easter this weekend, and I’m in it for the candy.

But back to the Peeps. And me.

I’ve had a rough week. Nothing drastically horrible has happened. And yet, I’ve been in one of those week-long funks that turns my brain into a hamster wheel of bad thoughts and my body into a bag of cement I can barely drag around.

So I’m eating Peeps with my morning coffee, (which by the way should count as “diet” food at 28 calories per peep), mindlessly staring at the package when the line “Marshmallow chicks” hits me like a ton of chicks:

I am a marshmallow chick.


I have Peep-colored hair: sometimes purple, sometimes pink.

I may appear sparkly on the outside.

When inside I couldn’t feel more dull.

I may also appear hard.

But inside, I couldn’t be more soft.

I’m also prone to get eaten up by everything.

And yet.

I’m not easy to squish. (and not because I become stale and hard!)

And this very revelation has made me happy.

I am comfortable in my Peep-ness.

To all of you other Marshmallow Chicks out there, stay sweet.

And happy Easter.

Bunny shoes and hats

  1. 1. Francesco Ballestrazzi Bunny felt baseball hat, Luisaviaroma. 2. Minna Parikka pink bunny sneakers, Luisaviaroma. 3. Maison Michel lace bunny ears, Forward. 4. Minna Parikka bunny tail sneakers, Selfridges. 5. Mc.Q Electro Bunny ring, Mc.Q.  6. Minna Parikka bunny tail sequin sneakers, Luisaviaroma.

PS: Please excuse the floating “1” above. WordPress issues.

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