Outfit Amnesia

Chanel Lucite Sandal, circa 2000, purchased from Jeffrey New York, that I had completely forgotten I had.
Last Sunday night I sent Jslow a note asking her to check my post for content, typos, a better title, any thoughts. She responded with, “not that it matters, but I wrote about Plastic shoes (the focus of the post) a few months ago, so maybe you want to reference that.”
Jesus. I completely forgot.
Depressingly, this happens a lot more than I care to admit, this business of forgetting. I even forget that I forget stuff. There’s just so much information stuffed in my brain after years of living this life that it’s any wonder I can remember what’s in there. And when I do need to wrack my brain for a certain piece of content, it’s not always easy to find. And if I do find it, sometimes it’s not in the best shape.
Sounds a lot like my closet.
But this is where forgetting stuff is a good thing. There is nothing like finding that fantastic pair of Chanel lucite platform sandals shoved away behind a pile of sweaters I barely wear (especially given my penchant for hot flashes.) Talk about “shopping” your own closet for “vintage” treasures!

Marni Patent-Leather Shoulder Bag with Lucite-Chain Handles, circa 2003 purchased from Susan in San Francisco and recently discovered.
So on those days were I’m mid-meeting, mid-sentence and mid-private freak-out because I can’t remember the word I’m searching for, I’ll take solace in the fact that somewhere in my closet lurks that perfect pair of patent pumps I completely forgot I had, which means a new pair of shoes for this increasingly older girl.