Showers with a Chance of Soaked
New York has been getting a fair share of rain after a long, dry, cold, winter. The trees and plants are happy. I am not.
As I was getting my kids out the door to school, I had an array of their rain gear set out for use. Rain coats, rain boots, umbrellas. Although they rarely use any of it, preferring to get wet.
I, on the other hand, don’t prefer to get wet. But I don’t have any of the stuff that will keep me dry. I get so sick of preparing the family, (including our dog, Murray, who has his own rain coat) for every condition, that I end up not having the energy to prepare myself. Either that, or I’d prefer to spend the money on shoes that will inevitably get ruined in the rain. Not the brightest idea.
I’ve decided to replace the loop in my head of B.J. Tomas’ Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head with Bing Crosby’s Singing in the Rain…
…and you just might see me dancing down the street looking for the rainbow at the end.