Blank Stare, Blink: Vacation

Exactly when did BSB become a forum for Paula and I to talk about our housing highs and lows? And how bored are you by this singular topic? I can’t even read what we’ve written, and I’m surprised you still are.

Please accept this post as our sincere apology for our totally off-topic digression. We’re both taking a self-imposed break to sort out our housing issues. When we’re back, it’ll be pure fashion from head-to-toe with no housing in the middle. Other than things closet related.

See you in a week…or two, depending on how serious our problems are.

2 Responses

    1. Carrie, I just received an email that essentially said the same thing. And honestly, I’m shocked! Call me a purist, but if we have a blog about style and aging we should be writing from that perspective most of the time, if possible…But life does get in the way and sometimes we get off topic or it influences what we write about and that’s all good, too. But personally, I can’t write about boxes anymore. Unless they’re delivered by UPS from net-a-porter and they contain something fabulous.

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