Emmys’ Seriously Shy of Shenanigans
While Fashion Week finishes up in Milan, the real action took place last night in Los Angeles at the Emmy Awards. As retailers follow the shows and hope for hits that translate to sales, most normal people have no idea, nor do they care, about what’s going on right now in Europe on the runways. And anyway, it’s far more fun to see what Tina Fey or Julia Louise-Dreyfus is wearing — and for most of us, how well they are aging — than what some anonymous androgynous model sports in a country, at an age, and at a price that is far, far away.
I’ve loved watching award shows as long as I can remember. My mom was always a huge fan, and when she passed away years ago, we found boxes of VHS tapes from pretty much every Oscar that happened during this old-school recording period. She loved television and although didn’t see too many movies at the theater, loved them on TV and all of the glamour they represented. For someone who lived in Levi’s, Birkenstocks and clay-covered sweatshirts (she did Ceramics), I suppose they provided a glimpse into another world, which really is the allure for all of us.

Jonnie Mangin, mom, in our Fremont garage. Note the Black and White TV up on the top right. Photo by Brad Mangin.
So I flipped on E! to watch Giuliana and Ross and Kelly breathlessly gush about everyone and every gown before turning to CBS for the real show. This being, to me and many, the new “golden age of TV” in quality and creativity, the surplus of serious actors means less sartorial shenanigans.
Which sucks! At least when you want to be entertained by errant outfits. I was bored stiff.
Yes, the “older” ladies – over forty, which pretty much represented almost every woman who presented or won, all looked fantastic. Hair, skin, figures — all shiny and tight. I’m particular taken by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who to me get’s better with age. She’s fifty-fucking-two and just, well, wow. Stay tuned here for more on her later this week.
In the meantime, here is a gallery of my quick live sketches. Like the gowns, some are better than others. Who did you like? What were your favorites? Did you like the show?
Ahhhh… This is how I remember your mom!