Happy Holidays from BSB!

BSB holiday illustration, blankstareblink.comThis week I found it increasingly harder to get out of bed to be the usual short-order cook: banging out breakfast and lunch in about thirty minutes.

It’s Friday, and at three o’clock today, school is out and the official Holiday Break begins. I’ll spend today in my closet, cleaning out and re-organizing, hoping to get a jump-start and plant a positive foot forward toward 2014. 2013 was rocky, and I’m enjoying the idea of seeing this past year in my rear-view mirror. “So long Sucka!”

In 2014, I’m vowing to drink more water, laser instead of shave and take my vitamins.

Happy Holidays! What are your resolutions for 2014? Here’s one for you—Be Good to Yourself.

2 Responses

  1. hillaryfrileck@mac.om'

    Amen on the laser! I need to dedicate some time and cash for that too, thanks for reminding me… I don’t really make resolutions, but I guess mine is to keep up my not smoking! Hugs and Loves.

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