Once Upon A Time…
I wrote about a trip gone not-my-way to Paris. The Cliff Notes version goes like this: First time to Paris, 15th Wedding Anniversary, kids along for the celebration, great food and art, but absolutely, not a second, or two, of self-indulging shopping. I was heartbroken in the most romantic and stylish city on earth.
Then a couple of weeks ago, I posted about #followus on Instagram. It’s fun to be followed, but it’s also great to follow in a voyeuristic way. I guess you could call that stalking. It was through my stalking, I mean following, that I found out Kirna Zabete had a new shipment of Maison Michel headpieces. I had been so looking forward to seeking out Maison Michel in Paris that at least this was some form of Parisian payback.
Hats are so fun and attitude changing, and I just love them. I resolutely believe they look better on women with long hair. And since I have a mohawk, hats make me look like a drowned rat. This not-so-fun fact doesn’t seem to stop me. I always try headpieces on, and I’m always mortified when I do. I secretly hope that one day the rat in the mirror will turn into a swan.
When I saw the Kirna Zabete instagram announcing the Maison Michel headpiece, I made a bee line for the store. And you know what? The headpiece doesn’t make me look like a rat at all. OK, so I don’t exactly look like a swan either. The magnificent Maison Michel headpiece I bought are bear ears. So yeah, I look like a bear. A Mama Bear to be exact.
I’m looking forward to wearing them on my 2nd trip to Paris. They get to go. The kids are staying at home with Papa Bear.
Love! You are beee-uti-ful in that!
Since I am cat-gay, I’m seriously pondering getting some cat-ears. My mom used to wear bunny-ears at Easter, you name it. Maybe will become part of my brand. Do I dare?
Black lace cat ears are available at Kirna Zabete as I type. Meow.
jslow has lovely eyes.
That’s sweet. Thank you. xxJslow
You have the prettiest eyes and you’re a cute Mama bear with those styley ears. I couldn’t pull them off.
You look so, dare I say, adorable in those!
I’ll take cute any day. xxJ