Denture Adventures, Part Two

“Apex Predator” shoe by fantich&young
After reading Monday’s post about my dream/nightmare of lost teeth, loyal and lovely Blank Stare, Blink reader and friend, Andrea, was kind enough to send us the above photo of shoes somebody (uh, many bodies) sunk their teeth into.
They are the work of Mariana Fantich and Dominic Young of fantich&young, East London-based artists who subvert Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution into what they call “Darwinian voodoo.”
They create these works of art by affixing dentures to Savile Row (men’s) and Jimmy Choo (women’s) shoes. They even make them for little boys (brogues) and girls (bright red Mary Janes). Sartorial fun for the whole family! Some sport a gold tooth for more street cred.
Most may find them scary. In fact, these images may provoke more nightmares then dreams. Talk about a legit version of “creepers.”
But me? I think they’re pretty sweet. I do have to ask these questions:
1) If you step on candy, will the shoe get a cavity?
2) If you chip a tooth, will your foot hurt?
3) After years of wear, will braces be available?
They note that “price is on request.” Dare I?
I think I’ll sleep on it.
Thanks again, Andrea!
And Stacy, I hope you don’t fall off any dream-cloud cliffs before we delve into the meaning of that. xo
Mariana Fantich and Dominic Young are East London based artists and have been working together as Fantich and Young since 2008.
Fantich and Young create art that subverts Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution with elements of supernatural ceremonial ritual. The concepts of nature and super-nature are explored in the work . Fantich and Young view this process as Darwinian Voodoo.
– See more at:
Mariana Fantich and Dominic Young are East London based artists and have been working together as Fantich and Young since 2008.
Fantich and Young create art that subverts Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution with elements of supernatural ceremonial ritual. The concepts of nature and super-nature are explored in the work . Fantich and Young view this process as Darwinian Voodoo.
– See more at:
Mariana Fantich and Dominic Young are East London based artists and have been working together as Fantich and Young since 2008.
Fantich and Young create art that subverts Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution with elements of supernatural ceremonial ritual. The concepts of nature and super-nature are explored in the work . Fantich and Young view this process as Darwinian Voodoo.
– See more at:
Mariana Fantich and Dominic Young are East London based artists and have been working together as Fantich and Young since 2008.
Fantich and Young create art that subverts Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution with elements of supernatural ceremonial ritual. The concepts of nature and super-nature are explored in the work . Fantich and Young view this process as Darwinian Voodoo.
– See more at:
I love where you went with this!
Thanks Paula! These shoes would give me even more nightmares. I’d be afraid they would devour me at night time. 😉