Doing the Limbo with that Bar
Ahhhhh….the irony of Paula’s last post. I’m living and breathing While We’re Young.
That’s me with my new friends on our lunch break from Connections Through Color & Design.
Go ahead. Laugh. My kids did. And then my daughter exclaimed how they’re all so pretty…and young.
I’m the punchline to the joke, “are you their Mom?”
Being a Freshman at age 45 is far different than my first time around in 1988. Back then I may have been sassy and skinny and smooth, but my current “old” organizational skills, time management, eating habits, and outfits crush who I was back then. I wouldn’t trade this Freshman year for anything. Not even being 18.
I’m in finals and just woke up from a nap in the Library. Stamina might be an issue for the old broad, but slow and steady wins the race.
Next week I step up to become an incoming Sophomore. I think I’m going to celebrate with a piercing and an over-aged shot of tequila after I finish shopping at Forever 21. Here’s a few items my former 18-year-old self would have skipped paying parking tickets for. I may not be be or feel forever 21, but I can shop there. Now back to my nap. xo